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LESA October 2015 Newsletter

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Digital Dealer Recap

Earlier this month, LESA showcased its full-motion video products at our first ever booth at the Digital Dealer 19 expo in Las Vegas. Unlike the NADA convention (at which we also had a booth this year), Digital Dealer has a narrower scope and focuses on how digital technology can be utilized effectively by a modern dealership. Needless to say, being a full-motion video company, we fit in nicely and attracted many excited people looking for video.

Full-Motion Demo: Far left: Giancarlo Asong, Middle: Tracy Barbatti, Far right: Phil Ly
Full-Motion Demo: Far left: Giancarlo Asong, Middle: Tracy Barbatti, Far right: Phil Ly

Our marketing director, Tracy Barbatti (pictured above), had a very positive show experience, stating,”Video was a hot topic at Digital Dealer 19. Dealerships are finally giving their customers full-motion video…They get it!.”After such a warm reception in Las Vegas, we are looking forward to a repeat experience at Digital Dealer 20.

LESA certified logo

LESA Certification Program

We at LESA have an obsession with quality. Good enough is never enough and we don’t mind going the extra mile (or 100) to make sure that each and every one of our client videos meets a very high standard of excellence. The LESA Certification Program is our the newest way of ensuring that those standards are met across the board.The program is being rolled out voluntarily to all LESA partners, however we highly encourage participation. Because they will have gone through our extensive training, those who choose to complete the program will be promoted to incoming clients over those who do not. Dealers using LESA certified representatives can rest assured that their vehicle videos will be of the highest quality.

Certification will be awarded when videos comply with the following three criteria: vehicle framing (keeping the car in shot at all times), pace (not moving from shot to shot too quickly), and stability (no shaky videos). In addition, all incoming reps will undergo a specific training program.

We are hopeful that the application of these standards will result in an even more remarkable video program for your dealership. If you have any questions regarding videographer certification, please contact us at or call us at 1-877-829-2328.

LESA Stat Portal Upgrade

It’s now possible for dealers and reps to instantly access video viewer stats with a click of a button. By logging into our new portal, you can view daily view counts and other viewer metrics like:

Vehicle views stats chart
Views by city stats chart
Platforms stats chart

You can even view in-depth metrics regarding number of leads garnered from the video lead form (for customers using the LESA video player only), vehicle year, make, and model, and more! If you’d like to see a sample of a full stat report, click here

Graph showing shopper actions after watching video

The numbers don’t lie: video is used to make shopping decisions. As you can see from the above Google data, 49% of vehicle shoppers who watched a video during product research were motivated to visit a dealership afterward. There’s no better time than now to add LESA video to your dealership. So, what are you waiting for?

Give us a call at 1-877-829-2328 or send us a message at

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